Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Triterricus Festival

There could not have been a better day to hold the Festival. The goddesses smiled upon the land with great favor that day in honor of the tri-annual celebration. The suns' rays were unchecked by cloud or cold, and the light breeze only served to provide an extra layer of comfort. Today, Gian knew, was bound to be one for the history books. The reading he had taken from the stars last night agreed with his assessment, and he prepared himself with happy anticipation. Today, something grand and everlasting would begin. He hummed a quiet tune as he dressed, his servant, Haakon, smiling indulgently. Haakon had never been one to believe in signs in the heavens or the weather. He argued that a man makes his own destiny, with the goddesses' blessing. But Gian had known too many disasters to occur at times when the planets and stars aligned themselves to predict such. The Parcae were particularly cruel betimes, and Gian had pointed to Haakon's family's history, a sordid tale of tragedy and betrayal resulting in Haakon's father's decision to indenture Haakon to the Parcaen Royal Family, as proof. But Haakon relentlessly argued that his position in the Royal House could be seen as either a blessing or a curse, or it could be viewed as an opportunity, and Haakon would choose the latter to his dying breath.

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